Sunday 20 January 2013

Praises to ALLAH S.W.T and we are grateful for all of HIS gifts. Everything are going as planned on the first day of Little Caliphs Sri Petaling, 03 January 2013 in our quest to instill the LOVE of Islam and knowledge to young children with wonderful, proven and effective learning experience, guided by the Qu'ran and As-Sunnah.

First day 2013, as the parents observing their little caliphs.  

We are enjoying the experience! Alhamdulillah

SubhanaAllah.. Little Caliphs 1st day sujud.
*do find more activities in

Monday 12 November 2012

Free class, limited seats, limited time only!

Dear parents, LC Sri Petaling is invited your kids to experience the enjoyment of knowledge in the Islamic way, the path of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Untuk makluman, premis Tadika Khalifahku Sayang akan menganjurkan Majlis Pelancaran Tadika Khalifahku Sayang atau Little Caliphs Sri Petaling Open Day pada 21 Oktober 2012 dari jam 9 pagi hingga 5 petang.

Pada hari tersebut, tuan/puan boleh datang ke Tadika Khalifahku Sayang dan mendengar sendiri penjelasan mengenai The Little Caliphs Program (TLCP) daripada CEO dan pengasas bersama program TLCP, Tuan Hj. Roslan bin Nordin. Tuan/Puan juga boleh terus mendaftarkan anak-anak tuan/puan pada hari tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, pendaftaran telah bermula sekarang dan tempat adalah amat terhad.

Untuk pendaftaran, tuan/puan boleh menghubungi kami di 019-2245277 atau dialamat email segera sebelum tempat dipenuhi. Terima kasih atas sokongan dan doa tuan puan sekalian. Semoga ALLAH memberikan hidayah dan kasih sayang-Nya kepada kita semua untuk hidup dan mati dalam kemuliaan Islam. Amin.

Monday 1 October 2012

Welcome to Little Caliphs Sri Petaling

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Welcome to Little Caliphs Sri Petaling.

Our children and education

A child is a gift, an amanah and a trial to his parents, family and society. Along with it comes a great responsibility. The responsibility to nurture them towards becoming the best that they could be, both in dunia and akhirat. 

The best thing that that the parent and society could give to our children is education - one that leads him to be a significant contributor to his society, a righteous slave and Khalifah of Allah, and an ummah of Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W). Not only there is a gold mine in every child, but their early years are instrumental in building their healthy self- esteem and positive self-concept. 

Sharing the responsibility to nurture them at their early years, we are pleased to introduce The Little Caliphs Program for Islamic-English-Creative pre-school education program. 

We are looking forward to getting to know you and your children. Please feel free to call us to know more about the program & our centre.  At this age the Children are taught to develop foundation of character and critical thinking skills through creative play, communication and social interaction. At Little Caliphs we help to prepare your children for a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling. 

"Kindergarten is a year of growing socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. Parents involvement, interest, and enthusiasm will help make this a wonderful year of growth for you and your child." 
So, DO CONTACT US NOW to learn more on how THE LITTLE CALIPHS PROGRAM can prepare and enrich your child's intelligence for excellence in Dunia and Akhirat!